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Vehicle Loan Rates

TypeUp to 48 months APR as low as*49-60 months APR as low as*61-72 months APR as low as*^73-84 months APR as low as*^
New Vehicles
2025 and Newer model years5.25%5.29%5.44%5.80%
Used Vehicles
2025 and 2024 model years5.25%5.44%5.59%6.04%
2023, 2022, and 2021 model years5.59%6.04%6.54%7.04**
2020 and 2019 model years5.84%6.59%
2018 and older model years7.59%
^ $25,000 is the minimum amount to be financed for an 84-month term and $15,000 is the minimum amount to be financed for a 72-month term

**2023 model year only, $25,000 is the minimum amount to be financed for a 73-month term.

Green Auto Loan Discount – Receive an additional rate discount of 0.25% APR on qualifying Green Auto Loans.  Qualifying vehicles will have the EPA’s SmartWay® designation at the time of loan approval. The vehicle cannot be older than 5 years. The rate discount will be applied to the approved loan rate financed at the Credit Union. Loans financed at the dealer and existing Credit Union auto loans are not eligible for discount.  Contact Carolina Trust for more details.
These rates were last reviewed and/or updated on 01/06/2025.

*The approximate term used to calculate payments for the Credit Union’s loan products. Loan approval and approved Annual Percentage Rate (APR) are subject to credit worthiness. Advertised APR includes a 0.25% rate reduction for automatic draft and a 0.25% rate reduction contingent on a loan-to-value less than 80%. Approved auto loan rate will not be lower than 5.25% APR, including applicable discount(s). Advertised rates are subject to change without notice. Contact a Carolina Trust loan specialist for more details. Financing Example: An auto loan of $15,000 at 5.25% APR for a term of 48 months would result in a monthly payment of approximately $347.14. Payment estimations do not include GAP or service agreement products.

Boat Rates

TypeUp to 60 months APR as low as*61-144 months APR as low as*^145-180 months APR as low as*^
New Boats
2024 and Newer Model Years6.99%**7.39%**7.64%**
Used Boats
2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, and 2021 model years7.89%**8.39%**8.89%**

RV, Motor Home, 5th Wheel, and Pull-Along Camper Rates

TypeFeatures and/or Approximate Term*Annual Percentage Rate (APR)*
RV, Motor Homes, 5th Wheels, and Pull-Along CampersUp to 60 monthsas low as 7.19% APR**
61-96 months
($25,000 - $49,999)
as low as 7.59% APR**
97-180 months
as low as 7.84% APR**

Motorcycle, ATV, and Jet Ski Rates

TypeFeatures and/or Approximate Term*Annual Percentage Rate (APR)*
Motorcycle, ATV, and Jet SkiUp to 60 monthsas low as 7.44% APR**

^ $25,000 is the minimum amount to be financed for a 61-144 months term and $50,000 is the minimum amount to be financed for a 145-180 months term

Call for loan rate information on farm equipment.
These rates were last reviewed and/or updated on 01/22/2025.

*The approximate term used to calculate payments for the Credit Union’s loan products. Loan approval and approved Annual Percentage Rate (APR) are subject to credit worthiness. **Advertised APR includes a 0.25% rate reduction for automatic draft. Advertised rates are subject to change without notice. Contact a Carolina Trust loan specialist for more details. Financing Example: A boat loan of $25,000 at 7.39% APR for a term of 96 months would result in a monthly payment of approximately $345.72. Payment estimations do not include GAP service agreement products.

Personal Loan Rates

TypeFeatures and/or Approximate Term*Annual Percentage Rate (APR)*
Personal Loanup to 24 months for $500-$2,499as low as 8.75% APR1
36 months for $2,500-$4,999as low as 8.75% APR1
48 months for $5,000-$9,999as low as 8.75% APR1
60 months for $10,000 or moreas low as 8.75% APR1
Debt Consolidationup to 24 months for $500-$2,499as low as 8.75% APR1
36 months for $2,500-$4,999as low as 8.75% APR1
36 months for $2,500-$4,999as low as 8.75% APR1
60 months for $10,000 or moreas low as 8.75% APR2
Personal Line of CreditAlso utilized as an Overdraft Line of Creditas low as 12.75% APR
Health Smart Loanup to 48 months for up to $5,000as low as 9.24% APR1
60 months for $5,001-$15,000as low as 10.24% APR1
72 months for $15,001-$25,000as low as 11.24% APR1
Home Smart Loanup to 48 months for up to $5,000as low as 8.24% APR1
60 months for $5,001-$15,000as low as 9.74% APR1
72 months for $15,001-$25,000as low as 12.24% APR1
Credit Builder Loan6 - 12 months for $500-$1,00012.00% APR
Share Secured Variable Rate LoanTerm Relative to Pledged Account Balance3.00% higher than pledged Share APY2
Certificate Secured Fixed Rate Loan
Term Relative to Certificate Maturity Date2.00% higher than pledged Fixed Rate Certificate APY3

These rates were last reviewed and/or updated on 01/13/2025.

*The approximate term used to calculate payments for the Credit Union’s loan products. Loan approval and approved Annual Percentage Rate (APR) are subject to credit worthiness.
1Advertised APR includes a 0.25% rate reduction for automatic draft. Advertised rates are subject to change without notice. Contact a Carolina Trust loan specialist for more details. Financing Example: A personal loan of $10,000 at 8.75% APR for a term of 60 months would result in a monthly payment of approximately $206.37.
2Loan rate will not be less than 4.00% Annual Percentage Rate.
3Loan rate will not be less than 4.00% Annual Percentage Rate. The 3-month Regular Fixed Rate certificate and IRA Fixed Rate Certificates are not eligible for this loan.

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