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Help us stop bullying in our schools.

Ask your child to take the pledge to be a buddy — and not a bully.

Help prevent bullying by joining forces with Carolina Trust.

Did you know that most kids who are bullied don’t report it?

It’s true. But, Carolina Trust is stepping in to help bring social awareness to bullying prevention. With the help of WFXB Fox TV, we’re visiting local elementary schools and asking students to sign an I’m a Buddy, Not a Bully pledge.

What the pledge agrees to:

  • Be kind
  • Treat others with respect
  • Take action to prevent or report bullying

You can make a difference, now! Take the online I’m a Buddy, Not a Bully online pledge by submitting your name below. When you do, you’ll get bullying prevention and coping resources emailed directly to you.

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