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Hurricane Preparedness in the Carolinas

Living in an area that experiences hurricane season for six months out of the year, we need to be prepared. Below, we’ve compiled several resources to provide you with all of the hurricane tips and information that you need to prepare and stay safe in the event of a hurricane.


How to Financially Prepare Before a Natural Disaster

Summertime has finally arrived at the grand strand, and unfortunately, hurricane season came right along with it. Living near the coast, we are in hurricane season from June 1st to November 30th. Thinking about a potential hurricane can be somewhat stressful. However, being educated and prepared can help relieve a bit of that anxiety.

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Hurricane Preparedness Kit

Living in an area that experiences hurricane season for six months out of the year, we need to be prepared. A great way to do a bit of pre-planning so that you’re not panicking when a hurricane is on its way is to put together a Hurricane Preparedness Kit.

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Financial Friday Community Panel

On the July Living Local Carolina Financial Friday Community Panel, Brand Ambassador, August was joined by special guests Frank Johnson, WBTW News 13 Chief Meteorologist and Aaron Clay, Captain with the Myrtle Beach Fire Department to discuss hurricane preparation.

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