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Helping provide peace of mind under difficult circumstances

If you owe balances on an auto loan or credit card and become disabled or unexpectedly pass away, your loved ones could be left with significant financial obligations. Carolina Trust wants to protect you and those you love from expenses that could burden your family during a very stressful time. Through our Member’s Choice Insurance plans, those responsible for your final expenses would receive a reduction in loan balance or assistance with payments to help make life a little more manageable.

Credit Life Insurance

The death of a loved one can be devastating. Worrying about loan payments should not add to the difficulty.

After a death, hearts and minds should not be preoccupied with financial worries. Credit Life Insurance is designed to help reduce or pay off eligible loan balances like car loans, home and home equity loans, personal loans and credit card balances in the event of a loved one’s passing. It brings peace of mind and enables your loved ones to concentrate on more important matters.

  • $50,000 max coverage limit per loan
  • Low premiums
  • Efficient online claims process
  • No physical required
  • Maximum age for policy is 65
  • Termination age is 66

Credit Disability Insurance

If you can’t work due to sickness or injury, Credit Disability through Member’s Choice can help you make payments on vehicle loans, home and home equity loans, personal loans and credit card balances during your recovery.

  • $650 monthly maximum benefit
  • Low premium included with your monthly payment for your convenience
  • Premiums are rolled into your loan for your convenience

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Please NoteSecurities, non-deposit investments and insurance products sold through licensed third- party providers advertised on this site are not federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA). They may involve investment risk, may lose value, and they are not underwritten or guaranteed by the Credit Union. Similar products may be purchased from an agent or company of your choice. CUNA Brokerage Services, Inc. is a registered broker/dealer in all fifty states of the United States of America. The mechanical breakdown protection and GAP products described above are offered by CUNA Brokerage Services, Inc., a third party, and are not policies or contracts of insurance. Contact the third-party provider or refer to policy for full details, limits and restrictions.

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